
The Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (CeDiLE)

The Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (CeDiLE) mission is to cultivate knowledge transfer between practitioners, researchers and educationalists. Located at the Institute of Multilingualism (University of Fribourg and Fribourg University of Teacher Education, Switzerland (HEP|PH FR)), CeDiLe provides a network for individuals and institutions that encourages the interdisciplinary advancement of innovation in the field of foreign language education.

CeDiLe is geared towards university professors, teachers, researchers, and university students as well as foreign language teachers or those engaged in CLIL or immersive teaching and institutional authorities.

Through the development and maintenance of its online platform,, CeDiLE’s activities focus on four main areas:

  • Facilitating access to instructional resources useful for researching, teaching and training in the field of foreign language teaching.
  • Creating a network of foreign language teaching professionals with diverse skills and backgrounds to encourage collaboration within Switzerland and abroad.
  • Disseminating knowledge, resources and the needs of diverse stakeholders around current converging debates related to the teaching and learning of foreign languages.
  • Promoting educational opportunities in Switzerland, namely the Master of Arts in Foreign Language Didactics at the University of Fribourg and Fribourg University of Teacher Education.

CeDiLe is funded by the Swiss Universities P-9 program, Development of Subject-Specific Education, and Fribourg University of Teacher Education which manages the grant. The scientific committee is located at the Institute of Multilingualism and the administrative offices are found at the HEP|PH FR.