
Chunsch druus? (Get it?)

Project management

Martin Müller, Lukas Wertenschlag

01.2009 - 12.2009
Competences, Didactics, Learning, Teaching
Supported by the Jacobs Foundation, Loterie Romande, Oertli Foundation

Chunsch druus? (Swiss German for “get it?”) is a learning programme aimed at the general, mainly younger learner who wishes to develop key linguistic competences necessary for coping with the challenges of everyday life in the German part of Switzerland. Integration in the largest sector of Switzerland mustn’t overlook the use of dialect. This does not mean that foreigners, migrants or Swiss who speak Italian and French necessarily need to learn how to speak a Swiss German dialect – but two things are helpful, even decisive: 

  • Developing an understanding for the linguistic circumstances in the German part of Switzerland as well as skills and strategies for coping in everyday situations.
  • Basic skills necessary for understanding Swiss German dialects in contact situations.

Materials developed in the project serve to further communication within Switzerland and with the German part of Switzerland. Contact to “dialect-speaking” young people and adults will be easier thanks to this practical and to-the-point training programme.

Purpose – Expected results