© Alan Humerose
Research manager
+41 26 305 61 79
Research interests
- Language policies in Switzerland
- Linguistic minorities
- Myths and linguistic ideologies
- Procedure of linguistic identity construction
- Linguistic biographies
Research projects (direction)
Regional and minority languages in diaspora communities
Possible measures for fostering Rhaeto-Romanic (in addition to language instruction)
01.2019 - 12.2019
On behalf of the Lia Rumantscha (umbrella organisation of all Rhaeto-Romanic associations), the Institute reviewed and assessed sociolinguistic literature to identify potential measures to foster Rhaeto-Romanic or other (autochthonous) minority...
Language courses for personnel in the Federal Administration
Evaluation and analysis of courses offered and their attendance
01.2012 - 12.2013
In the interest of advancing multilingualism in public services, the Swiss Confederation is legally bound to promoting federal employees' language skills in Switzerland's official languages. The divisions within the Federal Administration...
Swiss Federal Administration and the representation of language communities
An analysis of processes and strategies for recruiting personnel
01.2012 - 01.2013
In Switzerland’s political dialogue, an adequate representation of Swiss language communities in the Federal Administration is considered to be a vital expression of multilingualism in Switzerland. Diverse legal bases and directives have...Research projects (collaboration)
- Coray, Renata; Kobelt, Emilienne; Zwicky, Roman; Kübler, Daniel; Duchêne, Alexandre, 2015, Mehrsprachigkeit verwalten? Spannungsfeld Personalrekrutierung beim Bund, Zürich: Seismo
- Coray, Renata; Strebel, Barbara, 2011, Sprachwelten - Lebensgeschichten aus Graubünden / Munds da linguas - biografias linguisticas rumantschas, Baden: hier + jetzt.
- Coray, Renata, 2008, Von der Mumma Romontscha zum Retortenbaby Rumantsch Grischun. Rätoromanische Sprachmythen, Chur: Bündner Monatsblatt.
- Widmer Jean; Coray, Renata; Acklin Muji, Dunya; Godel, Eric, 2004, Die Schweizer Sprachenvielfalt im öffentlichen Diskurs. Eine sozialhistorische Analyse der Transformationen der Sprachenordnung von 1848 bis 2000. / La diversité des langues en Suisse dans le débat public. Une analyse socio-historique des transformations de l'ordre constitutionnel des langues de 1848 à 2000, Bern: Peter Lang. [2. Auflage, 2005]