
Dr. Naomi Shafer

© Alan Humerose

Associated researcher

Research interests

  • Language acquisition and language learning
  • German as a Foreign / Second Language
  • Language variation
  • Language and Culture
  • Evaluation of L2 competences 

Research projects (direction)


01.2019 - 12.2020

The project looks at learning and teaching German as a Foreign Language in Israel, where after 1945 the German language was looked down upon and where learning German still does not seem self-evident today. Proceeding from the historically...



The project deals with the linguistic diversity of German as a foreign language from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. The empirical study sheds light on the question of how GFL-beginners (CEFR level A2) deal with standard...

Research projects (collaboration)


02.2024 - 12.2026

This interdisciplinary research project focuses on the relationship between multilingualism and plurilingualism, political institutions and legal conditions in Switzerland. The Swiss Confederation is a federal state with four national languages....


Shafer, Naomi (2018): Varietäten und Varianten verstehen lernen: Zum Umgang mit Standardvariation in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag. Online (View Document):