Projektleiterin / Projektleiter
+41 26 305 62 87
- Individuelle Unterschiede im Fremdsprachenerwerb
- Schulisches Fremdsprachenlernen
- Sprachlerneignung
- Kreativität und Mehrsprachigkeit
Domain-specific and domain general abilities in foreign language learning
Forschungsprojekt (Leitung)
Udry, I. & Kutzelmann, S. (2022). «Lesecoaching per Videochat - Wortschatzaufbau durch virtuelles Lesetraining». Babylonia 1:60-65
Udry, I. & Berthele, B. (2022). «Entwicklung der Fremdsprachkompetenzen Englisch bei Kindern mit sonderpädagogischer Förderung». Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete (VHN) 91(3):212–229.
Udry, I. & Vanhove, J. (2021). The stability of language aptitude: Insights from a longitudinal study on young learners’ language analytic abilities (EuroSla Studies Series). Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of foreign language aptitude, cognition, and motivation (S. 197–210). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Udry, I., Berthele, R. & Steiner, C. (2021). Language Aptitude at Primary School (LAPS): Theoretical framework of the project (EuroSla Studies Series). Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of foreign language aptitude, cognition, and motivation (S. 1–50). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Udry, I. & Berthele, R. (2021). The smart, the motivated, and the self-confident: The role of language aptitude, cognition, and affective variables in early instructed foreign language learning (Eurosla Studies). In R. Berthele & I. Udry (Hrsg.), Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of foreign language aptitude, cognition, and motivation (S. 71–90). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Udry, I. (2021). Creative thinking as an individual difference in task-based language teaching (EuroSla Studies Series). In R. Berthele & I. Udry (Hrsg.), Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of language aptitude, cognition, and motivation (S. 125–142). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Steiner, C., Berthele, R. & Udry, I. (2021). Language aptitude at primary school (LAPS): Research design (Eurosla Studies). In R. Berthele & I. Udry (Hrsg.), Individual differences in in early instructed language learning (S. 51–70). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Berthele, R., Vanhove, J., Steiner, C., Udry, I. & Schneider, H. (2021). Predicting L2 achievement: Results from a test battery measuring language aptitude, general learning ability, and affective factors (EuroSla Studies Series). In R. Berthele & I. Udry (Hrsg.), Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of foreign language aptitude, cognition, and motivation (S. 91–104). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Berthele, R. & Udry, I. (2021) (eds). Individual differences in early instructed language learning: The role of language aptitude, cognition, and motivation. EuroSLA Studies 5, 2021, Berlin: Language Science Press, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5378471.
Udry, I., Steiner, C. (2019). Sprachlerneignung und Differenzierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Chancen und Grenzen. Babylonia - Differenzierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht.
Udry, I., Lambelet, A. & Berthele, R. (2019). Les aptitudes langagières : construit et résultats de recherche. Une synthèse de la revue de la littérature. Un rapport du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme.
Lambelet, A., Berthele, R. & Udry, I. (2019). Les aptitudes langagières : construit et opérationnalisation. Une revue de la littérature. Un rapport du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme.
Berthele, R., & Udry, I. (2019). Multilingual boost vs. cognitive abilities: Testing two theories of multilingual language learning in a primary school context. International Journal of Multilingualism. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14790718.2019.1632315