
Problematising inequality in the classroom

A pedagogical toolkit
Project management




Emeline Beckmann, Daniel Hofstetter, Sophie Korol, Tibère Schweizer, Mariana Steiner (HEP|PH Fribourg)

01.2017 - 12.2019
Diversity, Inequality, Teaching
HEP|PH Fribourg

How can inequalities (in terms of social class, language, ability, race, gender) be addressed in the classroom by focussing on social processes and encouraging students to reflect on possible ways of challenging them? This question is explored in the project carried out in collaboration with the University of Teacher Education Fribourg. With the aim of promoting a political and sociological pedagogy that goes beyond a romantic celebration of difference, the project seeks to develop a pedagogical toolkit enabling teachers and their students to discuss how certain differences can result in social inequality and to draft possible – collective and individual – solutions.