Ricercatrice / ricercatore post-dottorato
Settori di ricerca
- Lingua, migrazione e disuguaglianze
- Migrazione postcoloniale lusofonica
- Il linguaggio nelle politiche educative
- Lingua e lavoro
Progetti di ricerca (direzione)
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Incontri postcoloniali nella globalizzazione
(Dis)ingarbugliare i posizionamenti sociali dei migranti di lingua portoghese in Svizzera
09.2019 - 09.2020
La Lusofonia comprende diversi tipi di gruppi e persone. Se da un lato condividono la lingua portoghese, dall'altro non condividono la stessa posizione storica. Questo progetto sulla lingua, l'identità e la migrazione lavorativa prova di...Pubblicazioni
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- Tavares, B. (forthcoming). Dynamic encounters in sociolinguistic enquiry: meeting participants, reflexivity and anonymity. In J. Erfurt, L. Ibarrondo and T. Kadas Pickel (eds.) Linguistic heterogeneity: questions of methodology, analysis tools and contextualization. Berlin: Peter Lang.
- Tavares, B. (forthcoming). Multilingualism in Luxembourg: (dis)empowering Cape Verdean migrants at work and beyond. [Special issue] Journal of the Sociology of Language.
- Tavares, B. (in press). The holy quadruple of inequality: Cape Verdeans' multiple struggles in the education system and beyond in Luxembourg. [Special issue] European Journal of Applied Linguistics.
- Tavares, B. and Juffermans, K. (2020) Language and (im)mobility as a struggle: Cape Verdean trajectories into Luxembourg. In K. Horner and J. Dailey O’Cain (eds.) Multilingualism, (Im)mobilities and Spaces of Belonging (pp. 216-233). Bristol: Multilingual Matters (encounters).
- Tavares, B. (2018). Cape Verdean Migration Trajectories into Luxembourg: A Multisited Sociolinguistic Investigation (Doctoral dissertation, University of Luxembourg http://publications.uni.lu/handle/10993/36814).
- Tavares, B. (2017). Commodification of language in migration and transnational contexts. Transnational Social Review, 7(3), 314-319.
- Juffermans, K., and Tavares, B. (2017). South-North Trajectories and Language Repertoires. In C. Kerfoot and K. Hyltenstam (eds.) Entangled Discourses: South-North Orders of Visibility (pp. 99-115). New York: Routledge.
- Tavares, B. (2012). The Verbal System of the Cape Verdean Creole of Tarrafal, Santiago: A Semantic Analysis of the Tense, Mood and Aspect Markers. Munich: Lincom Europa.