
Katharina Karges

PhD Student

Research interests

  • Assessment of foreign language competences and test validity
  • Foreign Language Teaching in schools
  • Individual multilingualism

Research projects (collaboration)


03.2016 - 12.2024

SWIKO is a multilingual learner corpus describing learner language according to principles of corpus-linguistics. The corpus is an umbrella project developed during the 2016–2019 research period and being further developed in the 2021–2024...


01.2018 - 09.2024

The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) planned to verify how well students are mastering the Basic Competences (educational standards) in foreign languages for the second time in spring 2020. Due to the covid-19 pandemic,...


Innovative forms of assessment

In-depth study on competence-based assessment of receptive skills


01.2016 - 12.2019

If the aim is to measure how well learners can actually use a foreign language, then competence-oriented testing with near-authentic tasks is the method of choice. There is, however, a need for renewal in the design of such test tasks, especially...


04.2015 - 06.2018

Commissioned by:  Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) In the spring of 2017, the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education conducted the first ever largescale assessment to measure how well students have acquired...


01.2014 - 12.2016

In the spring of 2017, the CDIP/EDK assessed for the first time the basic skills in the first foreign language of schoolchildren at the end of primary school. On the basis of this assessment, the “Passepartout cantons” (the six cantons on...


Mapping developmental profiles in early language learning at school

Assessment tools as a link between education standards, curricula, teaching and learning


01.2012 - 12.2014

In collaboration with the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (PHSG) and the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI)