© Alan Humerose
Member of the Board of Directors
+41 26 300 79 61
Full Professor for German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language at the University of Fribourg
Research interests
- Corpus-based language acquisition research (cf. SWIKO - multilingual Swiss learner corpus, web application under development: https://swikoweb.plurilinguisme.ch )
- Research on language teaching and learning, main focus on research methods
- Foreign language and multilingualism didactics with special emphasis on German as a foreign language and German as a second language, main focus: Task-based language learning and teaching (TBLT), data-driven learning (DDL), cultural studies and language learning, German as pluricentric language
- Language testing, main focus: Standardised and teaching-oriented assessment of linguistic and cultural competences (primarly in school settings), test development and validation, evaluation of teaching and classroom practices.
Research projects (direction)
Competences in French as a foreign language in the Passepartout region
A systematic evaluation of current studies on the use of Mille feuilles und Clin d'oeil
09.2019 - 12.2019
The basis of this report, commissioned by the association BERNbilingue, is a systematic evaluation of current studies on French as a foreign language lessons at primary and secondary schools that use the Mille feuilles and Clin d'oeil learning...
A study of writing competences of children with Spanish speaking origins
01.2015 - 12.2016
The aim of this project is to study the linguistic competences of bilingual children when producing written texts in Spanish. The participant children attend heritage language and culture (HLC) courses. The main research question is: How...
Multilingual sequences in history lessons
Processes used to solve intercomprehension tasks and appropriate learner profiles
01.2012 - 12.2014
The goal of the project "Multilingual sequences in history lessons: processes to solve intercomprehension tasks and appropriate learner profiles" was twofold: First, the project adjusted worksheets designed in the context of materials development...
International foreign language certificate
Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche (ZD j)/German certificate for young people at Swiss public schools: Innovation and evaluation
06.2006 - 12.2008
This practical research project, commissioned by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), grants interested Swiss schools access to the internationally recognised certificate Deutsch for Jugendliche ZD j (German...Research projects (collaboration)